

exploring the soul



Letting go

Sometimes we have to let go of people in our lives, not because we want them gone, but because we realize that they have already let go of us,  – or maybe they never were there for us in the first place either.

Duck life


People ask me all the time
They get intimidated


Ducks are different



Let the fireworks blow away your old pains and patterns tonight and welcome new and positive energies in your life



Culture is not our friend.

Culture tells us to compete others and choose money, and encourages us to sacrifice our true spirits for work and repetition of daily routines, calling it to “think smart” when each and every one of us puts ourselves first, and see other people as consumer goods. “There is always somebody/something else out there, just move on”, they say and each and every time we leak our energy all over the place.

We leak our energy for money, career and people that we  think we need but don’t feel driven towards. We’re told we’re smart that way. We sacrifice passions, real connections and love to be “smart”.

“It’s easy, just move on from the things you truly want. The world is full of choices! Come on, don’t think, just move. (The cost of this transaction is 1 gram of your soul).  Don’t think, just move on and do what is “smart”.”

People choose things that aren’t important, like money, careers and safety, and thus sacrifice things that are important, like people they love, true passions and real joy. And we wonder why more and more people turn into lifeless shadows around us?

It’s as if culture has a straw into human souls that way, sucking us dry, so that we don’t notice it, not unlike the machines in the Matrix.

Don’t listen to culture, it will collapse soon, anyway. Systems always collapse, and probably again in your lifetime at least once. You shouldn’t hold on to what your culture tells is important, because everything you have in that realm can and will be taken from you. So choose right. Follow your inner spirit, and heal the world and yourself. It is the only safe bet these days, even if culture tells you otherwise. Culture lies. Real currency lies in connections and hearts and spirits. Don’t sell your soul.


One moment we may think we are the most important person in somebody’s life, the next moment we abruptly learn that they don’t even want to know us.

How come “love” has become a substitute for “want to have sex with for the time being, but after I no longer want to have sex with you, I don’t want to talk with you ever again”?

Isn’t it strange that the word “love” is used about somebody who has no other value in somebody’s life, if they aren’t sex objects for them?

They’ll keep family, friends –  even Facebook acquaintances – in their lives forever, but throw away – without hesitation – somebody they claimed to love above anyone?

No wonder the world is full of wars.

around the truth

and my past lives
are facepalming

Real friends

Don’t chase people.

Be the best you that you can be.

Those people who naturally belong in your life, will find you, and those you are better off without will disappear. .


Winning a game somebody invented in order to toy with your life, is still to be caught up in a pointless game. Discard such games, and people playing them, as soon as you see through them.


Happiness can grow excellently in scars. Look past the shame and let your scars be a reminder of what you love in life. ❤


One of the most stressful ideas we can believe in, is that there is a definite “right choice” that we have to find, when we are standing at a crossroads in life.

The truth is that there are no rights or wrongs in such difficult questions. There are only stories lived and stories abandoned.

Choosing direction is to choose the story you want to live; the story you want your life to tell.


The people in your life who betrayed you, cannot be the ones to fix you.

Real healing can only happen from inside.


Who said it’s true, just because it is in the news? Who said it’s relevant, just because it is talked about a lot? Who said the most interesting of the new in the world is in there at all? Who ever had the idea that the way it is presented is neutral?

Who said reading the newspaper is important, and what motivation did they have for saying so?

When we choose to be influenced by view points and opinions, we choose to be influenced by a culture, too. Be careful to agree with what the culture you choose to listen to stands for, before you accept it too far into your life. Even if you are very, very conscious, it will color you.

the power of wishes

Watch your wishes for people you love. If you wish to be the person giving them all their joys, you may unconsciously wish that other events don’t give them joy. And if they love you back, they may unconsciously respond by cancelling all these other events, and thus lose all other joys. You will invisibly paralyze them, instead of making their life better. That is not loving.

Help others grow. Don’t make them satellites of your ego.


Being the better person can be a very confusing and lonely mission, but for those who pay attention, it may reveal mysteries of life.

The other woman
The whore
The one you enjoyed in front of me
The internal inverted snake

The deceptive energy of life
The betraying one
The one preventing you from unity
The mother of monsters

Drinking her elixir
to gain her powers
Not understanding old wisdoms
Not listening to new warnings
Not using your God-given intuition
But controlling yourself
Into madness
Into darkness
Into corruption of your soul

And grey turns black.



Vulnerability means to completely expose your sensitivity, and it is necessary to be vulnerable in order to stay honest and to keep in touch with yourself and others and life.

life path

Are you on the right path in life?

If not, whose life are you living?

set the mood right, DJ!

Imagine a movie scene – say a child walking on a beach. Now imagine there is scary music playing. What happens?
Then replay the same scene in your mind, but now imagine it with happy, carefree summer music and laughter in the background.
Even if it’s the exact same scene, you get totally different experiences.

Just like in the movies, our emotional attitude fundamentally change  the way we experience what happens to and around us.

Often we cannot control the happenings much, but what we can control, is how we feel about what happens to and around us. Our emotional attitude is like a record we can change on will!

If your experience of something sucks, then try changing the soundtrack!

man machine

As we developed our technology to help us lead simpler lives, is it possible that we also started expecting more and more often that other humans operate predictably and mechanically – like machines?

Maybe the machines will never enslave us, but maybe the machines already reshaped us in their image?

ego agendas

Listen to the ego subconsciously creating stories in each and every word formed in our heads and creating realities as the words come out of our mouths, unless we listen carefully and help the ego make better choices of words. That way, we may prevent catastrophe before the ego causes it.

Love the ego as if it is a good child that wants the best, and does it’s best to ensure the success we wish for, but who cannot know enough to be in charge. It is only a child.

Let the kids play, and assume responsibility for your journey from a higher perspective, and you will never be stressed again, and success is inevitable.

dream on

History has taught us many times that the dreams and nightmares of our leaders become reality. Possible consequences are used as excuses for causes. Before anything even happens. And thus the consequences are inevitable.

We need leaders who dare to dream up a positive future. We need to get rid of the leaders who have nightmares of fears and disasters.

Dreams and nightmares in our lives come true, because of what we say. So also dreams for the planet.

By changing our visions, we change our lives and the lives of everybody.

Change your nightmares for beautiful dreams! Or face nightmares created in reality.

On a large scale, and also in our private homes this is true. Dream good things for good things to happen. Why don’t we know this yet? WAKE UP, leaders and LEAD.

History isn’t linear. Causes become consequences as much as consequences become causes. We get what we ask for. WAKE UP leaders and LEAD.


We act and react to the future based on our past.

What we react to now, we should have reacted to during our last experience.
What we experience now, we should have reacted to the way we will react in the future.

It seems as if we live life backwards in this realm, and only when we turn around and watch our lives in direction from death to birth does it all make sense.


My time could be measured in impact of impressions, instead of in minutes.

Sometimes life seems so stagnant that 2 years feel like 2 months.
Sometimes life is experienced so deeply that 2 months feel like 2 years.

I close my eyes
and see
how simple
should have been

candy girl & chocolate boy 9


your thoughts color your day,
your days color your life,
your life colors humanity

darkness before
darkness after
not same color

changing your life

Are people who constantly talk about changing their lives not accepting who they are?


Time is money.
But is money time?

Inner sceneries



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