

exploring the soul



Political correctness

I can more easily forgive a reactionary response given in a moment of heat, than a fake facade that was pretending to be my friend just because it wanted to achieve something.


Don’t let yourself be dragged down by the dishonor of others. You’re strong enough to stand tall through their lies, and not sink to their level.

Real friends

Don’t chase people.

Be the best you that you can be.

Those people who naturally belong in your life, will find you, and those you are better off without will disappear. .


Winning a game somebody invented in order to toy with your life, is still to be caught up in a pointless game. Discard such games, and people playing them, as soon as you see through them.

the sound of humanity

Human beings talk and human beings listen. A lot gets lost in translation.

Human complexes and disorders are often based on such misunderstandings over time, and they prevent humans from being fully open and spiritually free.

The paradox here is that the very reality that makes us human: our mental adaptability to surroundings, and thus diveristy when it comes to understanding, is also what makes us less human(e).

Machines can be made to communicate without translation issues, and artificial intelligence can thus be transparent and real in a way humans are not.

Maybe machines will be more human than humans one day?
Or maybe being human means to be lost in translation? .


One of the most stressful ideas we can believe in, is that there is a definite “right choice” that we have to find, when we are standing at a crossroads in life.

The truth is that there are no rights or wrongs in such difficult questions. There are only stories lived and stories abandoned.

Choosing direction is to choose the story you want to live; the story you want your life to tell.


The people in your life who betrayed you, cannot be the ones to fix you.

Real healing can only happen from inside.


You cannot be ahead of your footsteps, nor behind them. You are always right where you are supposed to be: on your very own path, telling your very unique story as you go.

The more you are motivated by love, the more fearless and free your actions will be.
Dalai  Lama

giving up

How hard it is to wait for something you fear will never be.

How much harder it is to give up on, when it’s all you ever dreamt of.


Our deepest feelings – good and bad – sooner or later become our reality – they become who we are. They are the seeds of our karma.

Thank you for near killing me with your hurt feelings. Thank you for feeling so poorly about me. Your feelings burned right through my fears of seeing my own feelings and thus purged my negative karma, so that I no longer have to become what you say I am.

who are you

Or rather – who were you meant to be?

Live that person and you will be back in the world.

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