

exploring the soul



Political correctness

I can more easily forgive a reactionary response given in a moment of heat, than a fake facade that was pretending to be my friend just because it wanted to achieve something.


One moment we may think we are the most important person in somebody’s life, the next moment we abruptly learn that they don’t even want to know us.

How come “love” has become a substitute for “want to have sex with for the time being, but after I no longer want to have sex with you, I don’t want to talk with you ever again”?

Isn’t it strange that the word “love” is used about somebody who has no other value in somebody’s life, if they aren’t sex objects for them?

They’ll keep family, friends –  even Facebook acquaintances – in their lives forever, but throw away – without hesitation – somebody they claimed to love above anyone?

No wonder the world is full of wars.


Don’t waste love on people who aren’t capable of receiving it well.

Misplaced attachments will drain you, and in the end, when you are exhausted, the person sucking you dry will throw you away as if you were worthless. You will end up having supported a person who spreads pain.

Give your love to people who can appreciate it, and heal the world instead.

the power of wishes

Watch your wishes for people you love. If you wish to be the person giving them all their joys, you may unconsciously wish that other events don’t give them joy. And if they love you back, they may unconsciously respond by cancelling all these other events, and thus lose all other joys. You will invisibly paralyze them, instead of making their life better. That is not loving.

Help others grow. Don’t make them satellites of your ego.


Envy is a feeling that reminds us that we still aren’t ready to get what we (think we) want.

Also, remember that your path is unique. Don’t envy another person’s path or you might lose your own.


Being the better person can be a very confusing and lonely mission, but for those who pay attention, it may reveal mysteries of life.


Knowing what harms a person, and then acting so that the person is harmed.


The only person you can fool all the time is you.

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