

exploring the soul



the power of wishes

Watch your wishes for people you love. If you wish to be the person giving them all their joys, you may unconsciously wish that other events don’t give them joy. And if they love you back, they may unconsciously respond by cancelling all these other events, and thus lose all other joys. You will invisibly paralyze them, instead of making their life better. That is not loving.

Help others grow. Don’t make them satellites of your ego.

The other woman
The whore
The one you enjoyed in front of me
The internal inverted snake

The deceptive energy of life
The betraying one
The one preventing you from unity
The mother of monsters

Drinking her elixir
to gain her powers
Not understanding old wisdoms
Not listening to new warnings
Not using your God-given intuition
But controlling yourself
Into madness
Into darkness
Into corruption of your soul

And grey turns black.



Take responsibility for your mistakes, instead of feeling powerless and victimized.

Acknowledge your role without judgement, fix it if you can, and build yourself a stronger character to not make the same mistakes again.

This is not to excuse abusers, but to make people aware of their own power. The abuser has their karma. Spend your energy on fixing your own. ❤

free choice

If you love, you chose to love.

If you fight, you chose to fight.

Respect and accept your choices.

The power is yours.


Cowards try to control others, because they don’t dare loving without control.

And thus love escapes them.


Communication is key.

Power games and control are the proof of no love.

Power is the opposite of love, not hatred.

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