

exploring the soul



Who you are

DO NOT take anything personally.

If you do, you risk becoming what they say you are, or what they make you feel like or worse; fear you are. Correct their views or actions in a calm way if you can, but never be upset with their response. If you take their opinions or actions to heart, they have already changed you in the direction of  what they believe you are or wish you were. For better or worse.

Don’t be what people tell you that you are. Be what you are. Or change, if you no longer want to be what you have become.


We perceive everything around us and within us with a hint of distortion. Some with a lot of distortion.

This means, that the ordinary reality we see is not real – it is a perceived reality.

Our perceptions create the reality we see around us, and that is why people see so different realities so often, for better or for worse. This is true for all of us, no matter how developed we are.

Real friends

Don’t chase people.

Be the best you that you can be.

Those people who naturally belong in your life, will find you, and those you are better off without will disappear. .

A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.
Mahatma Gandhi

the power of wishes

Watch your wishes for people you love. If you wish to be the person giving them all their joys, you may unconsciously wish that other events don’t give them joy. And if they love you back, they may unconsciously respond by cancelling all these other events, and thus lose all other joys. You will invisibly paralyze them, instead of making their life better. That is not loving.

Help others grow. Don’t make them satellites of your ego.


Being the better person can be a very confusing and lonely mission, but for those who pay attention, it may reveal mysteries of life.


To grow, to feel more whole, isn’t always the easiest choice, but it is probably always the better.

better way

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