

exploring the soul



Letting go

Sometimes we have to let go of people in our lives, not because we want them gone, but because we realize that they have already let go of us,  – or maybe they never were there for us in the first place either.

controlling our fates

The ghost
of a burned bridge


Things we start

We seem to always be in the middle of things we start.


One moment we may think we are the most important person in somebody’s life, the next moment we abruptly learn that they don’t even want to know us.

How come “love” has become a substitute for “want to have sex with for the time being, but after I no longer want to have sex with you, I don’t want to talk with you ever again”?

Isn’t it strange that the word “love” is used about somebody who has no other value in somebody’s life, if they aren’t sex objects for them?

They’ll keep family, friends –  even Facebook acquaintances – in their lives forever, but throw away – without hesitation – somebody they claimed to love above anyone?

No wonder the world is full of wars.

Probability waves

At the subatomic level it is only when we observe a particle that it has to choose a place to manifest. All points in time and space are essentially the same at this level. Everything exists in probability waves – they exist everywhere and nowhere all at once, until we decide to observe.

The same goes for how our history is written, personal or collective. Chronology is an illusion. Reality, truth, time – a probability wave – everywhere and nowhere all at once. Until we decide to observe. History gets pinned down in frozen moments of an observer. .

Kind words

We seem to live backwards, in that our actions and reactions today are based on experiences and feedback received yesterday.

A kind word to someone not deserving it, will make them more deserving in the future.

Words matter. .

the sound of humanity

Human beings talk and human beings listen. A lot gets lost in translation.

Human complexes and disorders are often based on such misunderstandings over time, and they prevent humans from being fully open and spiritually free.

The paradox here is that the very reality that makes us human: our mental adaptability to surroundings, and thus diveristy when it comes to understanding, is also what makes us less human(e).

Machines can be made to communicate without translation issues, and artificial intelligence can thus be transparent and real in a way humans are not.

Maybe machines will be more human than humans one day?
Or maybe being human means to be lost in translation? .


One of the most stressful ideas we can believe in, is that there is a definite “right choice” that we have to find, when we are standing at a crossroads in life.

The truth is that there are no rights or wrongs in such difficult questions. There are only stories lived and stories abandoned.

Choosing direction is to choose the story you want to live; the story you want your life to tell.


Envy is a feeling that reminds us that we still aren’t ready to get what we (think we) want.

Also, remember that your path is unique. Don’t envy another person’s path or you might lose your own.

man machine

As we developed our technology to help us lead simpler lives, is it possible that we also started expecting more and more often that other humans operate predictably and mechanically – like machines?

Maybe the machines will never enslave us, but maybe the machines already reshaped us in their image?

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