

exploring the soul



Don’t follow the war drum unless you know where you are going

And again they will ask you to fight something or somebody. Fight the government. Fight the media. Fight the banks. Fight the president. 

Do not listen. Do not ever fight against someone of something no matter how bad they are.

Fight for something.

Only for.

If you fight against something or somebody, without having an idea about what should replace it, you will create chaos. And chaos is worse than any oppressive order.

Chaos is a ladder. For psychopaths. Do not fight against ideas, institutions, people, roles. Fight for ideas, people, roles only.

Don’t fight against somebody or something together with all the others hating on the present state of affairs, unless most of you agree on what to replace it with.

Do not be just another useful idiot for those who have an agenda. Rather get your own agenda, and then fight for it.

Wake up. Find your values. Or continue to destroy anything with meaning by running around in hoards destroying the old and replacing it with chaos. Wake up to having real opinions, real values. Be for something. Not against.


Did you know that causes are consequences of consequences? Yes, that is right, consequences are causes. But the opposite is also true. What you do today is an effect of your past, but your past is also an effect of your future. Chaos is only chaos when it’s not absolute. There is no spoon.


One moment we may think we are the most important person in somebody’s life, the next moment we abruptly learn that they don’t even want to know us.

How come “love” has become a substitute for “want to have sex with for the time being, but after I no longer want to have sex with you, I don’t want to talk with you ever again”?

Isn’t it strange that the word “love” is used about somebody who has no other value in somebody’s life, if they aren’t sex objects for them?

They’ll keep family, friends –  even Facebook acquaintances – in their lives forever, but throw away – without hesitation – somebody they claimed to love above anyone?

No wonder the world is full of wars.


People who don’t know the value of loyalty can never understand the cost of betrayal.

You are only as strong as your weakest friend.

Others 2

All things you do for or say to others is feedback.

Watch the sneaky judgement that your words and actions build upon. You may be indirectly telling others that they need to change, and that may harm them even if your intention is good and you think you know what they need. Chances are you do not.


A master knows that the student is their true teacher and knows to thank for the lesson without pride.


And there you are, reading my words on your screen, feeling me behind the words, connecting for a short while before you leave again.

I wonder if you would like to know me? If you would be my friend?


Knowing what harms a person, and then acting so that the person is harmed.

ego agendas

Listen to the ego subconsciously creating stories in each and every word formed in our heads and creating realities as the words come out of our mouths, unless we listen carefully and help the ego make better choices of words. That way, we may prevent catastrophe before the ego causes it.

Love the ego as if it is a good child that wants the best, and does it’s best to ensure the success we wish for, but who cannot know enough to be in charge. It is only a child.

Let the kids play, and assume responsibility for your journey from a higher perspective, and you will never be stressed again, and success is inevitable.


It seems humanity no longer knows that resting is not a waste of time.

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