

exploring the soul



Suffering is optional

Pain is a sign it’s time to love yourself and others more.

That way pain will not become suffering.


Let the fireworks blow away your old pains and patterns tonight and welcome new and positive energies in your life



Don’t waste love on people who aren’t capable of receiving it well.

Misplaced attachments will drain you, and in the end, when you are exhausted, the person sucking you dry will throw you away as if you were worthless. You will end up having supported a person who spreads pain.

Give your love to people who can appreciate it, and heal the world instead.


Some say you need suffering to grow, but I say you won’t have a need to grow if you don’t have suffering.

Protect people from pain.



Knowing what harms a person, and then acting so that the person is harmed.

“God, I want an alien»
“but you aren’t ready, my son»
«Let me prove I am»
begged the man
«but if you fail, she may be mortal, too»
warned God.
«I am a man of honor»
said the man
«I will keep her safe»

And so God let him meet her.

And she said
«I love you»

And the man was happy.

But soon he felt doubt
and it saddened her
So he got angry with her hurt
and she felt scared
then he was offended
with her fear
and destroyed her

God said
«but I saw you, my son
you pretended to be a man of honor
to win her heart
a heart that loved you dearly
then you tortured her
to get rid of her
so you no longer had to see the pain you had created
you did all this evil
to one of my creatures
just like I expected from a human being.
And now she is infected, too.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?»

«I felt bad»
said the man

And God said
«and after destroying her
do you feel better?»

«I do»
said the man

And God said
«so this is why earth is hell
and this is why still
you are mortal»

fragments of past pain
move like kids on the dance floor
protected by our love
until they dance like pros


Sometimes people trapped in hopeless situations choose to stay in hopeless situations.

Not because they like hopeless situations, but because the defeat of not solving their problem seems worse than living a better life.

And sometimes people trapped in hopeless situations choose to stay in hopeless situations.

Just because they confuse dreams and hopes with reality.

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