

exploring the soul




To realize that you are a part of the problem, when you have trouble with people close to you, and to have the clarity to know how to change your own thoughts or reactions when they run down old paths, and the strength to actually change them,  is to change the world.


Fear causes suffering.

Fear creates negative thoughts, negative words, negative actions, hurting you as well as people close to you, causing fights and bad relating.

Ask yourself what your fears are in this moment? What thoughts do they create?


Liberate by thinking loving thoughts about the future of those who hurt you in the past, so that they no longer are kept locked up in your heart, where they will harm you until you can let go..


Do the million choices you are making consciously and unconsciously RIGHT NOW

– your current thoughts and actions –

create happiness for you and those around you, now and in the future?

the higher Self

Like a good parent, your Self must give it’s kids values – a wisdom – to live by.

Tell your good child – the Ego – and your rebel child – the Shadow – to check if their thoughts, actions and words are THE MOST LOVING they can possibly be, both for others – even strangers – and for yourself.

This will give the kids a tool to measure their behavior and direction, and they will start making better and better and better choices, day by day.

Remind yourself, no matter what you do, think or say, that it is the most loving choice you can make in this very moment for yourself and for others. In time, this will make the kids choose more and more in line with the path you are intended for. And to true happiness.

All you need is love.

i am not

I am not my body. I am not my mind. I am not my feelings nor my thoughts. I am not my actions, nor my reactions. I am not in time nor am I in space.

Maybe I am not even the observer, though I see.


your thoughts color your day,
your days color your life,
your life colors humanity

the universe

One of the great philosophical questions is: why is there something rather than nothing?

I wonder if a better question would be “is there a difference between nothing and everything?”

If nothing can start from nothing and nothing can last forever, but the universe started and is expanding, then nothing and everything must be the same? and the sum of everything must be zero.

And if my mind contains the everything of me, then maybe the sum of my mind is zero?

the meaning of life

The meaning of life is life.

After death, there are no regrets, no more thoughts, no fears. Death is silent.

Now is your time.

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