

exploring the soul



the power of wishes

Watch your wishes for people you love. If you wish to be the person giving them all their joys, you may unconsciously wish that other events don’t give them joy. And if they love you back, they may unconsciously respond by cancelling all these other events, and thus lose all other joys. You will invisibly paralyze them, instead of making their life better. That is not loving.

Help others grow. Don’t make them satellites of your ego.


Do the million choices you are making consciously and unconsciously RIGHT NOW

– your current thoughts and actions –

create happiness for you and those around you, now and in the future?

man machine

As we developed our technology to help us lead simpler lives, is it possible that we also started expecting more and more often that other humans operate predictably and mechanically – like machines?

Maybe the machines will never enslave us, but maybe the machines already reshaped us in their image?

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