

exploring the soul




One moment we may think we are the most important person in somebody’s life, the next moment we abruptly learn that they don’t even want to know us.

How come “love” has become a substitute for “want to have sex with for the time being, but after I no longer want to have sex with you, I don’t want to talk with you ever again”?

Isn’t it strange that the word “love” is used about somebody who has no other value in somebody’s life, if they aren’t sex objects for them?

They’ll keep family, friends –  even Facebook acquaintances – in their lives forever, but throw away – without hesitation – somebody they claimed to love above anyone?

No wonder the world is full of wars.

Real friends

Don’t chase people.

Be the best you that you can be.

Those people who naturally belong in your life, will find you, and those you are better off without will disappear. .


Expectations are copies.

Inner conviction is the only source of unique expression.

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